Zoning Commission

Zoning Commission

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter Five (5) of ORC V, 519, delegates a range of powers to the Township Zoning Commission.  Though they are not empowered to adopt plans, they may use planning consultants, other professionals, and public officials to assist them in drawing up a comprehensive set of zoning regulations or amendments to the existing regulations.  they may then recommend the zoning regulations or amendments they draft to the Township Board of Trustees for adoption subsequent to a public hearing.

The Township Zoning Commission consists of seven (7) residents appointed by the Board of Trustees:  five (5) residents to five-year terms and two (2) residents that serve one (1) year for the current year.  The terms are staggered so the term of one member expires each year.  The Zoning Commission meets regularly for the purpose of developing and maintaining a plan regulating land use within the Township.  This plan, set forth both in texts and maps, indicates permitted and prohibited uses of all land within the Township.  Actions of the Zoning Commission are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.

The Zoning Commission is responsible for making recommendations for amendments and changes to the Zoning Resolution of the Township to the Township Board of Trustees.

There are three ways in which amendments or supplements to the Zoning Resolution may be initiated:

  1. A resolution passed by the Board of Trustees
  2. The filing of an application by one or more individual landowners
  3. By the members of the Zoning Commission

A majority vote by the Board of Trustees to certify an amendment or district change is necessary to overturn the vote of the Zoning Commission members.  (The procedures for Amendments or Supplements to the Zoning Resolution shall be conducted pursuant to Chapter 519 of the Ohio Revised Code.)

All proposed text and map amendments are subject to a public review conducted by the Medina County Planning Commission.

Current year meeting agendas and minutes can be found below. Previous years can be found by making a Public records request through our Fiscal Officer at [email protected]

Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Zoning Commission are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM EST. The meetings are held at the Lafayette Township Safety Services Building.  6367 Technology Ln, Medina, OH 44256

All meetings of the Commission are listed in the calendar of meetings in the Medina County Gazette and should a Public Hearing be scheduled for the Zoning Commission, a legal notice is published in the same paper.

The Zoning Commission is made up of 5 members who are appointed by the Township Trustees for a term of 5 years. Alternate members of the Board are appointed for a term of 1 year.

Presently serving are:

Nick Kittle
Zoning Commission Chair

Term expires: December 31, 2027

Brian Morse
Zoning Commission Vice Chair
Term expires: December 31, 2029
Jim Aylsworth
Zoning Commission Member
Term expires: December 31, 2026
Joseph Praisler
Zoning Commission Member
Term expires: December 31, 2025
Chase Burmeister
Zoning Commission Member
Term expires: December 31, 2028
Tim Kassouf
Zoning Commission (Alternate Member)
Term expires: December 31, 2025
Lee Weinerman
Zoning Commission (Alternate Member)
Term expires: December 31, 2025


Karen Schoonover
Zoning Secretary - Email: [email protected]

Contact Information

Lafayette Township

6776 Wedgewood Road
Medina, Ohio 44256

(330) 725-6515

Administrative Office

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.


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